
Hi Greg – I’m so sorry to bother you at the funeral.  I just checked out the website and was privileged to read a little about your friend Tommy… some wonderful stories there from a lot of friends and family who will miss him.  We wish you pleasant memories of times past…

I appreciate your kind words about how Holy Cross Hospital helped him – providing care to the uninsured is part of our mission and we do it to the best of our ability.  During our fiscal year 2006, we provided approximately $20 million in community health benefits and direct charity care to the under served.  That figure will more than likely rise in 2007. 

We would be honored to accept memorial donations on behalf of Tommy Linthicum which will benefit our Community Health Ministry program.   Checks should be made payable to the Holy Cross Hospital Foundation, earmarked for the Community Health Ministry, in memory of Tommy Linthicum and sent to the following address:

Holy Cross Hospital Foundation
11801 Tech  Road
Silver Spring, MD  20904

Let me know how else we can be of service and thank you for thinking about us.  

Arthur C.G. Hyland
Acting Executive Director
Holy Cross Hospital Foundation
11801 Tech  Road
Silver Spring, MD  20904
(301)754-7137 (fax)

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